Gun Crimes

Gun cases are currently given special and extra attention by prosecutors’ offices because of worldwide notoriety Chicago has received due to its gun violence. If you have been charged with a gun case or an Unlawful Use of Weapon offense, it would be foolish for you to defend against the Government without an attorney by your side. Contact attorney Jason S. Dreifuss for an initial, no-cost consultation.


Thanks a lot Mr. Jason for all the effort you put in the case of my sons. And for believing in us. God bless you and your whole family forever.


Thank you so much for being so kind and working so hard for us—you believed in me, so thank you and God bless.


Thank you for your hard work. It was a pleasure to have met you. You and Mr. Pinsel saved our future and I can’t thank you enough. Thank you.


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  • Available 24/7
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